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Syllabus Frame Work
The quality of the syllabus is one of the performance indicators of quality teaching and learning process.It is the need of hour to build an well-defined curriculum and syllabus for the benefit of our students. While framing the syllabus focus on the course content and objectives have been made to have a preview on pre and co-requisites for the courses. Considering the parameters such as Employability, Entrepreneurship, and skill developments, updation of the syllabus for enhancing the bright future of the students has been executed. Based on the feedback collected from the stake holders, their suggestions have been incorporated in the syllabus and it has been minuted. Besides the degree of difficultness of students to learn the subjects and the knowledge level attainment, the refinement in syllabus and curriculum has been done.

Need for Syllabus Revision and New Courses
Student feedback through course evaluation summary and course exit survey also plays a vital role in redefining the curriculum and syllabus aspects. Introduction of industry allied courses are also introduced, such that students can get directly benefited from the crucial resources from the industry. Apart from the technical aspects we have a wide focus on the social views, environmental views, ethical views, economic views in the curriculum. We offer an excellent opportunity for the students in the name of electives, in which students can opt their professional and open electives of their own choice. We do offer an subjects of all the domains of the respective branches, such that they can opt as per their wish and gain the knowledge. On a broad view, the primary focus is attaining the Progamme Outcomes. We have various curriculum refining strategies which maps out the arc of the course. In order to increase the ease nature of the courses, we introduce new innovative teaching practices, through which the easy explanation of the concepts are introduced and the understanding of concepts are made clear.