The gardening of Campus including maintenance is headed by Site Engineer and a team comprising of Supervisor and 2 gardeners. The gardener is the person who has the skill to maintain the garden's design. The gardeners’ works during the year include the planting of trees and other plants, weeding, pruning, grafting, removal of dead flowers, mixing and preparation of insecticides and other products for treating pests, and tending garden compost.
Library Maintanence
Each book is assigned an accession number, which is kept in the Stock Register.
Staff and Students visit the library to use the books; the visitor's information is kept on file in the E-Gate register on a daily basis.
A book transactions register is kept in the library for the issue and return of books.
A gate entry register is kept for the Digital Library.
Once a year, the newspapers are disposed of based on the date of purchase.
A fire extinguisher is kept in the library in case of a fire.
A feedback from staff and students are received periodically in order to improve the Library.
Old books, journals, and periodicals are bound to avoid damage.
Physical stock verification is performed in the Library once a year.
Every day, the working conditions of all computer systems and printers are examined.
Every day, the library floors and book stack area are cleaned.
Every week, all electrical components are inspected.

Under the supervision of the HoD, the technician in charge does regular maintenance work as per the maintenance schedule, which is then reordered in the maintenance register.
The IP peripherals of the system are maintained and serviced in accordance with the contained method.
Stock register is kept separately for consumables and non-consumables. Consumable register is known by the Department abbreviated name followed by the type of register (Consumable/non- consumable), then by the count in the department.
Non-consumables are serviced every year by the Lab Technician. If the technician is unable to repair the defect, the supplier/manufacturer will be notified of the nature of the problem and asked to attend the service. In response, the supplier/manufacturer may visit the campus and service the same, for which a service charge will be charged.
At the end of the semester, the maintenance work is cross-checked by the faculty in-charge and the HoD.
Every year, inter department stock verification is done.
UPS maintenance is done periodically and based on the need, it is processed immediately.
The Transport Department, which is part of the Vellalar Educational Trust, is in charge of the buses and services .
Grease is applied to all joints and spring bushes once in a week.
The oil level in the engine is checked and maintained on daily basis.
The distilled water level in the battery is appropriately cleansed and maintained.
Every week, the joint bolts and wheel bolts are checked and tightened.
The radiator coolant is tested and refilled on a daily basis.
Water servicing is performed in the service station every three months.
Our college housekeeping team consists of 13 Sweepers. Responsibilities of House keepers include cleaning of Class rooms, Laboratories, Common Places for vacuuming, dusting and mopping.
Contract has been made for the cleaning of rest rooms.
The following activities are carried out through outsourcing.
1. Over head tank cleaning in the entire campus is done periodically.
2. Mineral Water tank cleaning in the entire campus is done periodically.